Jessie’s Letter

Yesterday, Jessie was in her room, writing on a piece of paper. When Laureen asked her what she was doing, she said “writing to God”. Below is her letter. To explain a bit, in her class, if you get in trouble, you get a “color change” and have to be in a different group.

Mango Chutney, Mincemeat, and All-American Shopping

Yes, it’s another Wal-Mart rant. 1. I’d like to know how much shelf space Wal-Mart gives in its grocery aisles to pre-processed foods–cookies, crackers, frozen meals, etc. I’m afraid the number would be staggeringly high. 2. Good luck trying to prepare an Indian dish when shopping at the big W. No curry paste (yes, they …

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

Before you think I’ve drunk a bit too much of the political kool-aid, this isn’t about politics. It’s something a bit simpler than that. We all have an image courtesy of Russell Crowe and tons of imagination about ancient Rome and the gladiatorial fights that happened. Whether it was man vs. man, man vs. animal, …

School year craziness

My kids go to public school. Yes, public school. In Texas. For those of you that may blanch at that statement, consider that their school, Walnut Glen Academy for Excellence, is an incredible school. shows you the awards they’ve won, and it’s in a vibrant, multicultural neighborhood. Frankly, I have more of an issue …


Around 12 hours from now, I’ll turn 40. I’ve encountered two schools of thought on this: 1. “It’s just another birthday! Relax!” 2. “You’re old.” I’m not yet entirely sure how I feel about this. The past couple of months have been eye-opening in terms of my health, my well-being, and my life, and I …


A few days ago, we were visiting some folks and seated around the dinner table in that slightly “all is good with the world” way after a nice meal when Jessie came up and nuzzled Laureen under her arm. “Mmmmm. Mommy, you smell good. Like flowers.” I love Jessie, but every day is turning into …