In Memoriam: Chewie NoMiddleName Jones, 1996(?)-2007

We let Chewie go to Doggie Heaven earlier today. Last night, she was having difficulty breathing, and it was requiring more and more effort to breathe for her. So, we decided today was the day. I remember when she first came into our lives as a cute little abandoned puppy. Her ears didn’t even stand …

The 800 miles story

It’s not that complicated, honestly. Laureen had an event at her director’s home in Austin in early September. Of course, when the home is in the million-dollar range, that makes it rather unique. We left Friday, driving the 315 miles from Dallas to Austin, arriving rather late Friday night (or even Saturday morning). We stayed …

Rockin’ the Workout

I’m starting the third week of team training. It looks like I’ve lost about 15 pounds so far. However, I still always look for the closest parking spot to the front door of the gym. Some things don’t change. Thanks Eric and Analisa for letting us stay over! We had fun.

Dog Days

Chewie got hit by a vehicle today. She somehow got out in the rain and was up in the street, and a truck got her. Fortunately, all that happened was she dislocated one of her hips, and the vet thinks he can put it back in place tomorrow. I don’t know whether to be angry …

So, an eat’ll pool link tread

We got a new camcorder today. It’s all digital. Expect enlightenment soon. I’m trying to figure out where this year went. Jessie turns 1 on the 24th. She’s started taking a few steps on her own. Anyway, I’m working on a few side projects that should be entertaining, at least for me.