The kinda stuff that’s been on my mind

What’s been on my mind lately Well, it’s money. Pure and simply put, Laureen and I are deeply in debt, much deeper than I’ve ever been before, and I hate it. I’ve often wondered why I worry about money so much. Laureen has a much different view about money, and she seems to be OK …

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth Just awfully tired these days. I’m chairman of FCC Richardson this year. This normally wouldn’t mean much, but this year is tough. There’s so much to do, and not enough time to do everything. This morning I went over to fix the church secretary’s PC, …

Our Christmas

Our Christmas Well, it’s been not exactly fun at the Jones’ household over Christmas this year. Several factors contributed to it, but here’s the brief rundown: 1. Lack of Christmas traditions. Laureen and I discovered that pretty much every Christmas had been spent somewhere else. We barely have the tree up, and the ornaments that …


updates I’ve been working a lot on the OEDILF lately. Jacob’s getting big. Wow. Life’s pretty good. Right now, I’m just really busy and don’t have time to do more of an in-depth explanation of things. Short version: We’re applying for a home equity loan. Joy. I’m becoming chairman of the church next year. Joy. …

Happy birthday to Laureen

Happy birthday to Laureen Well, it’s a crazy day. 1. Today is Laureen’s birthday. Since I’m a gentleman, I’ll refuse to divulge how old she is. One of the things Laureen wanted for a birthday present was to have her BURP (Babies and Understanding the Realities of Parenting) mommies and babies over on Thursday. Sounds …

How do I love thee, let me count the dollars…

How do I love thee, let me count the dollars… Well, Chewie’s at the surgeon’s right now. $2300. And it was a genetic deformity that was waiting to happen. It wasn’t swimming at the lake house, or going uphill, or anything like that. Apparently some part of her tibia was badly positioned, and the ACL …