The kinda stuff that’s been on my mind

What’s been on my mind lately Well, it’s money. Pure and simply put, Laureen and I are deeply in debt, much deeper than I’ve ever been before, and I hate it. I’ve often wondered why I worry about money so much. Laureen has a much different view about money, and she seems to be OK …

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth Just awfully tired these days. I’m chairman of FCC Richardson this year. This normally wouldn’t mean much, but this year is tough. There’s so much to do, and not enough time to do everything. This morning I went over to fix the church secretary’s PC, …

Whither feedroll

Whither feedroll? I’m not sure where all of that dynamic content I was crowing about went. Feedroll has apparently disappeared and taken a goodly chunk of my RSS coolness with it. I guess I get to create the javascript myself, huh…

Update your address books…

With AT&T getting out of the cable business, our emails have switched at home. The former account is now . (Sniff) We had that name for 4 years or so… The former account is now . (MEGA-Sniff). Stay tuned. More information might follow. By the way, Here is where we’re going …