Trip, Slip, Fall

Here’s a hint for all of you with stairs: do not put ointment on the bottom of your feet and then attempt to carry a baby and a laptop downstairs. In short, Saturday morning, I slipped and fell. Considering what it could have been, I’m OK. My foot slipped forward, and I fell straight down, …

The $250 hotel stay

…Or “How Kevin went to a sleep study”. Well, my snoring, apnea, restlessness, and sleeplessness finally convinced me through Laureen’s gentle prodding to go get a sleep study done. Wouldn’t you know it, Richardson Regional Hospital has a sleep/wake clinic! In the same building as my dentist! I make an appointment, then reschedule due to …

Where we be and a few cute things from Jacob

Different doctor, different diagnosis on me: diverticulitis. Seems reasonable. I’m taking the meds and am on a mostly liquid diet for now.Jacob is getting his bangs cut today in preparation for the big cut tomorrow. Mr. Happyhair will turn into a stranger for a bit. On the way to work, I casually mentioned “the DT …