Category: Uncategorized
Fuzzy Thinking
One of the most interesting things I’ve learned this year is that neurosurgery isn’t nearly as bad as you might think. I must back up a bit to provide context, yes? Yes. About 10 years ago, my optometrist took a picture of my retina and didn’t like what he saw. He sent me to an…
A Ranking
I’ve been through many holiday seasons, and I still have trouble getting into it. I’ve been attempted to figure out why through much soul searching, and I feel like so much of it goes back to the existential dread that Charlie Brown felt about Christmas in the Peanuts Christmas special. Even back in 1963, there…
The huck
There is, I believe, an incredible feeling that comes when you learn a new skill. No matter what it might be, the process you go through to gain that ability is something intrinsically worthwhile, even as the skill itself may seem rote. For me, it’s about throwing Frisbees (excuse me, flying discs, which I’m calling…